While traveling (solo or in groups) on motorbikes, there are many things apart from weather and distance that you need to keep in mind. I have listed a few things that if planned well will make the get away an enjoyable one. I have a Harley Davidson Street 750 and have used these tips for most of my rides.
Before we go any further, Safety first: Not just while you are going on a long ride, but each time you throw your legs around a motorbike, safety comes first. You must have proper protection from head to toe. Starting with a good helmet, a weather appropriate jacket (with shoulder, elbow and back protection), riding gloves, knee guard and boots. Additionally, having a leg guard installed on the bike is also a must.
Prepare your bike:
If you are doing a long distance ride (say 500+ kms), then the bike should be in the best running condition. Check the necessary fluids, gauges, battery, tires, brakes, cables/wires etc. If the next service is due in a thousand km or so, get it done before the trip. There is nothing more troublesome than getting your bike towed to the service station in the middle of your get away. If you have time and budget, get your seat modified to suit your comfort.